Server Ranger FAQ

Quick answers

Where are my files saved?

Mac - /Users/USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.libertyapp.serverranger/Data/Library/Application Support

Windows - C:\Users\USERNAME\Appdata\Roaming\LibertyApp\Server Ranger

Can I move my node list between the Mac and Windows versions?

Sure. Go to Preferences on the Mac, or Options on Windows, then Advanced and export the nodes to a .srs file. On the new computer, repeat the process, this time clicking the Import button and selecting the .srs file that you saved.

Can I change the address of a server without breaking the records?

Yes. To update the IP address or URL of a server, edit a pre-existing server. Do not delete the server and recreate it as this will break the link. Editing an existing link ensures that Server Ranger 2 knows that this is the same server, even if the address has changed. 

Why does the first ping take longer than the rest?

There can be a number of reasons but it’s often simply because of caching. The OS may be doing an ARP request for the first ping which is subsequently cached for later pings.

What does Warning mean?

A server in “Warning” is responding but there is some condition that isn’t normal. The most common reason for this is slow performance. What “slow” means is entirely up to the user - it may be 1ms or 6000ms. In the case of web server checks, a Warning is also any other response than 200 from the HTTP web server. For example, a response of 301 from the web server means “Moved Permanently”. Server Ranger 2 will report these status codes to you. Alerts can be issued for servers in Warning.

What does Offline actually mean?

A server which is Offline is not responding or cannot be reachable by the computer that Server Ranger is running on. Offline servers are in red on the server list and alerts can be issued.

Is it possible to erase the database and start records again?

Yes. Click the Server Ranger menu, then select Preferences. Clicking the Reset button on the General tab will issue you a warning and will then erase the database if you proceed. Note that this cannot be undone and you may wish to go to the Log window and export the records before proceeding.

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